Project 365-Day 149

Our Greatest Generation

“Our Greatest Generation”

Today marks Memorial Day here in the United States. It is a day that many treat as the unofficial start of summer, but it really has much more meaning than that. These two veterans are survivors of the bombing of Pearl Harbor from World War II—Our Greatest Generation. These two like millions of others have and are sacrificing their freedoms for the sake of ours in the United States. Rarely are you able to say “Thank You” to these real heros—as we do not interact with them on a daily basis like we do with those in stores, restaurants and etc.—but they need our thanks for what the have done. Make sure to say “Thank You” the next time you see a soldier, as every day they are on duty.

Happy Memorial Day everyone!

Project 365-Day 141


“Partial Annular Eclipse Series”

Tonight in the northern hemisphere there was a solar eclipse. The annular eclipse is when the new moon crosses the path of the sun and creates what looks like a ring when seen at full eclipse. Where I live we were only able to see a partial (57%) eclipse. This is a series of six photos from eclipse start to sunset.

Project 365-Day 140

The Last ONE

“The Last ONE”

Today this little guy is one and tomorrow he will be two! Bitter sweet seems to be the feelings I have about this situation. They just grow-up to fast! Also, I love this photo because it looks as though he is contemplating what the future holds for him.